Fiction Feeling Frame
16–17 JULY 2021
16–17 JULY 2021

Pedro Aparicio-Llorente
Bogotá, Colombia

Pedro Aparicio-Llorente is an architect and founding principal of APLO, a practice based in Bogotá that makes and researches buildings and landscapes. His work stems from 10 years of experience in design and construction within the material practices and political ecologies of postcolonial tropical habitats. Pedro holds an architecture degree from Universidad de los Andes and an MDes Urbanism Landscape Ecology from Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he was awarded with the Gerlad M. McCue Medal for overall academic achievement. Other collaborations include positions as research fellow with the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal, the Kokrobitey Institute in Accra, and the Rujak Center for Urban Studies in Jakarta.

With a focus on circular pedagogies and multimedia field-work, he leads investigations on volcanic contingency and pacific migration systems. Pedro teaches at the Architecture Department at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá and the Masters in Urban-Environmental Processes at Universidad EAFIT, Medellín. Pedro’s understanding of architecture as pedagogic practice have led him to design digital experiments for remote analysis and knowledge distribution: Radio Manglar, a podcast that narrates afro-colombian histories and technologies; and Proyecto Jardín, a design methodology to make architecture from ethnobotanical research of endemic plants. The combination of Pedro’s academic and field experience, as both teacher and designer, provide a body of work that aims to critically enquire decolonial potentials through multi-species technologies.